Casa Vacanze Orta San Giulio

Lake Orta Vacation Rentals


Casa Vacanze Orta San Giulio

Lake Orta Vacation Rentals



Orta San Giulio (NO) - Italy

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Holiday apartments on Lake Orta




Casa Vacanze Orta San Giulio  -  Made by FLAZIO |COOKIE POLICY|PRIVACY POLICY|


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Starting and arrival point: Coiromonte (795 m a.s.l.).
Major points of interest: Coiromonte, Mount Falò ("Tre montagnette", "Three rounded mounds").

Our route begins near the village of Coiromonte, charming hamlet of Armeno easily accessible from the road that climbs from Sovazza. This quiet location, for its unique geographical position and its sunny exposure, represents an interesting place for walks and relaxing moments beyond the usual tourist routes.
Before starting our journey we can visit, in a raised and panoramic position, the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist (1594), built upon the ruins of an ancient 15th century oratory and, next to the entrance of the church square, the old Town Hall, dating to the period when Coiromonte was an independent municipality from Armeno (until 1928). On the front of the Town Hall there is a fresco depicting two female figures, Truth and Justice, with a coat of arms in the center containing the lamb of St. John and a chestnut tree of the local variety called "ciarana".
Leaving the church behind we move towards Sovazza and, after the Omnidiet hotel, we take the uphill paved road on the left following the directions to "Alla Pineta" and "Passeggiata al Monte Falò e Tre Montagnette". After about 10 minutes we reach a playground and picnic area, and then we continue keeping to the right.
The path, winding through the woods between the rocky walls made of mica schists (metamorphic rocks of the "Schists of the Lakes"), slowly begins to climb until it reaches a fork (km 1.5), where we turn left. Now the path becomes much steeper and goes to intercept a bigger dirt road that leads to a pasture on the right. We don't change direction, but continue straight on along a faintly marked path that goes up the hill until we reach, after a few minutes, the main road where we can enjoy a beautiful view of the Alps and particularly of Mount Rosa. On our right we can also admire near us the rounded top of Mount Mottarone (1492 m a.s.l.).
We turn right remaining on top along the main road until we reach a fork where we go right (2.6 km), heading firmly uphill towards the top of Mount Falò, consisting of three distinctive rounded mounds, which offers a fantastic view especially on Lake Maggiore and on the territories to the south. After walking along the ridge for its length, we can retrace our steps or, especially on windy days, follow the path along the more sheltered southern side.
Once reached again the main dirt path, this time we go to the west, straight on until we find the paved road near a farm. Here we turn left and go back to the village of Coiromonte. Don't leave the town without a visit to its narrow and picturesque streets, lined with quaint buildings. If we aren't tired, we can walk through the village, past the wash house and the old fountain where the legend invites us to drink its water if we want to come back, reaching the Church of the Assunta (1610) and the Chapel of the Crucifix near the cemetery, and then we turn right again to bring us back to the center of the town.

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